cannabis products

The cannabis industry has always been associated with the counterculture, which has always been proud of its environmentally sustainable practices. Growing a greener future with sustainable cannabis products, but as the American cannabis industry grows, so makes consumer demand and the profit margin for cannabis entrepreneurs. A moral and ethical difficulty arises due to states enacting cannabis legalization and increasing demand: is it conceivable to develop an economic pot?

How precisely is sustainable cannabis defined?

The cultivation of sustainable cannabis aims to lessen the crop’s negative environmental impact. Researchers from Colorado State University discovered that the production of cannabis in the area produces 2.6 megatons of CO2. That is more than the state’s coal mining industry.

Even though growing cannabis requires a lot of natural resources, growers can reduce their impact on the environment. Fortunately, the marijuana industry is still in its infancy. To stay ahead of the curve, growers are already implementing the best management practices available to cultivate sustainable cannabis. Over time, these measures will reduce waste in all cannabis cultivation methods.

Sustainable cultivation of cannabis

Despite its many advantages, indoor cultivation still requires many resources. In addition, farms will have to pay high utility bills to keep their crops growing because indoor growing facilities require much artificial light, water, ventilation, and other high energy costs. The environment will also be affected by this excessive water and electricity consumption.

Cannabis cultivation outdoors also affects the environment. In general, cannabis plants need water. As drought becomes more common, these requirements will only get more critical. The crisis caused by climate change also affects crop survival. Additionally, the subsequent extinction of outdoor crops will result in excess waste that must be eliminated.

What initiatives is the cannabis industry taking to ensure sustainability?

The National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) claims that its members place a high value on sustainability.NCIA has a growing network of over 1,000 cannabis industry professionals, businesses, and organizations and is committed to providing green solutions for the industry.

The cannabis industry, on the other hand, is still in its infancy. As a result, the NCIA is trying to get growers to care more about the environment. An in-depth report on how to make the cannabis industry a green initiative leader and improve sustainability will be published by the NCIA in 2020.

What is the long-term potential of cannabis?

The cannabis industry has a very green future in more ways than one. Hemp was made legal by the federal government all over the country in 2018. Legal marijuana sales are anticipated to surpass $33 billion in 2022 for the first time. Policy experts predict that more states will legalize marijuana in the coming years because of money talks.

Additionally, the cannabis industry knows that most of its customers are concerned about the environment. To meet consumer demand, ethical and sustainable cannabis cultivation will also grow. Additionally, the future appears promising due to efforts made by non-cannabis industries to enhance sustainability. The cannabis industry is no different.

By Gabriel